When we are tempted to lose hope, we must remember that it is not a feeling or an emotion but a virtue, says the bishop of ...
Hollywood teamed up with the Catholic Church. The result was the Production Code, a document that dictated what movies could ...
Pope Francis has appointed a supporter of allowing pro-abortion Catholic politicians to receive communion to lead the Roman ...
The star,” Pope Francis said, “speaks to us of that unique light that can show to all people the way to salvation and ...
Vatican Diary. Jubilees have perhaps always been a privileged moment for popes to share their vision of history. Every week, ...
The Laudato si’ encyclical was a global event for Christians and, far beyond, for all environmentalists who saw it as Pope Francis' endorsement of their struggle. But has its content been truly ...
I am also a man of faith, of Jewish faith, and as such, could not comprehend the [nativity] Scene as I saw it in the media.
As a lifelong educator, I've always had multiple opportunities to celebrate the New Year -- once in September with the launch of the school year and again in January when the calendar shifted. I ...
Since Cardinal Robert W. McElroy's Jan. 6 appointment to the Archdiocese of Washington, church watchers have interpreted the move as a papal endorsement of the prelate's outspoken support for the poor ...
How can we promote and advocate for a serious reading and adoption of the encyclical letter of Pope Francis, Laudato Si? What can we do individually and as parish communities to protect nature and ...