The four Belgian military personnel who were still working in Niger returned home in December. Brussels had maintained a ...
A financial expert who was elected to parliament on the MSM/MMM's winning electoral list, Sushil Kushiram was given the wide-ranging ministerial portfolio for financial services, corporate affairs and ...
The corporate brand and communication manager (since 1995) of Shell on Mauritius has been chosen by the government as board chairman of Export Processing Zones Development Authority (EPZDA), taking ...
In order to ensure high-quality and independent journalism, Africa Intelligence relies solely on subscriptions from its readers, with no advertising, no events and no consulting work.
Prime minister Navin Ramgoolam on November 24 suspended Raj Dayal as police commissioner after a long-running dispute (ION N° 787) and appointed a special inquiry commission headed by former chief ...
Former Tanzanian ambassador to France Weidi Mwasakafyuka, now retired, was questioned by Dar es Salaam police for three hours on November first about newspaper articles he wrote for the ...
The son of the late general Raveloson Mahasampo and of Ms. Hortense Raveloson (MP and head of state Didier Ratsiraka's sister-in-law) dreams of becoming governor of Toliara Province, in southern ...
A French national born in Madagascar to which he returned in 1991, Bruno De Foucault was this week named vice-chairman of Groupement des Entreprises Malgaches (GEM). This Zanatany born at Antananarivo ...
The field has been producing since the beginning of last week in the north of Block OML49 where the affiliate of Gulf Oil Nigeria discovered it in 1978. Some $120 million were invested in development ...
The Confederation of Zimbabwe Industries has elected its first-ever lady president in the person of Ms. Jonee Blanchfield. She will replace Jonah Wakatama, who in his time was CZI's first-ever Black ...
A close supporter of head of state Didier Ratsiraka, Laurent Radaody-Rakotondravao, has been named ambassador to Algeria, taking over from the acting chargé d'affaires Jean Jacques Harinjatovo.